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Planned Giving Testimonial: Pat Siracusa

Planned Giving Testimonial: Pat Siracusa

I realize there are several worthy charities you may choose to support. My choice is The Arc Tampa Bay. The organization does wonders for many in need.

There are many ways to support The Arc. The obvious ways are to volunteer your time and of course you can simply write a check-small or large.

One method I prefer is through gifting of a life insurance contract you may have had for a long time to protect a mortgage or a loved one. Simply transfer that contract to The Arc Tampa Bay Foundation and ask what your tax benefits are.

Another possibility is to apply for a life insurance contract making The Arc Tampa Bay Foundation owner and beneficiary. The contract can be funded monthly, annually or even in a one-time lump sum. The policy allows for a much larger gift in your name.

You and your family name can help build an endowment fund for future use by The Arc using the gift of life insurance just as I have.

-Pat Siracusa

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